I see animals as companions, not commodities.
This body of work was designed to highlight the value of animals in our world. I honour my subjects in Oils by looking them in the eye, revealing their characteristics and representing them true to form.
I like to discover their magic in clay gestures and distill poignant moments in sketchbooks and drawings.
All they care about is our love…
‘On Beauty’ Catherine Pianta
What is beauty and who gets to decide this anyway? Can we always see it or can we create it for ourselves? Do we see beauty in the same way?
The questions around the topic of beauty are endless and I gave up trying to answer them long ago. For me, the very act of creating beauty (whether by a finger tracing lines in wet sand or working on a painting) is a very personal act.
People ask me at times, ‘What is your style?” or “What kind of artworks do you create?”
Honestly, after decades, I am still discovering my ‘style’. There have been periods of my artistic life when I have needed to find and express a sense of calm through shape, form, lines and finer detail.
During other periods my works have been loud, splashy and flamboyant. Colour is the Queen of Beauty during these times. She shouts and dances loudly and makes me feel great.
As a keen gardener and lover of nature I also strive to express the beauty found in flowers, open bodies of water or land and very often, in the faces of humans – a most challenging and beautiful subject for me.
This exhibition brings together a combination of my works on beauty, where I find it and how I aim to express it.
I do hope you find a little of yourself among my pieces.